Assessment (Test) and Practice questions (21)

Articles and lessons to help you work with Assessment and Practice questions.

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By default, each test question has a weight of 10 points.

This weight (points) is used to calculate the learner's score as a percentage to determine the test score which is sent to the LMS (in the case of a SCORM, AICC or xAPI package).

You can set custom Weighting for individual test questions according to the level of importance you determine the question should have in the overall marking scheme.

Note: If you set a custom weight for a question, it’s a good idea to let learners know so ...

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In dominKnow | ONE, questions aren't rigid templates. They're as easy to customize as editing any other page.

This makes it easy to incorporate media files as part of a question.

In this sample you can see how a multiple choice question can be set up to select from several images as well as select locations on a single image.

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