Steps to make changes to an element's translation text after a translation file has been imported. This example shows a Text Element. You can also use this method to make changes to translation text for labels or markers on Image or Video elements.
Steps to import a translation file back into your dominKnow | ONE project once the file contains all required translation strings. This lesson demonstrates uploading a single translation file. You can upload multiple files at once in a ZIP file, following these same steps.
Exporting a Translation File from the Home Tab to Add More Languages to the Current Project
Steps to assign users to a Collection. You can assign Teams or individual users as Authors or Reviewers. This lesson shows the steps to assign a Team as Authors for the Collection. To assign Reviewers or individual users, the steps are largely the same.
You can assign the Team to individual Projects as well as Collections of Projects. The Team can be assigned as For Review, in which case all Team members are assigned for reviewing the Project or For Authoring, in which case Authors are assigned for authoring and Reviewers are not assigned
Steps to copy a tab from one Tab Set and paste it into another Tab Set element.
You can also use these steps to copy a tab from a Tab Set to an Accordion Menu, or vice versa.
In this example, the two tab sets have different settings selected on their Options and Style tabs, and the first Tab Set has a background fill color applied.
Only the Tab content and layout are copied, the second Tab Set retains its own original design settings.