Easily integrate new experiences or extend our authoring capabilities on any dominKnow | ONE page
Chris Van Wingerden
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Easily integrate new experiences or extend our authoring capabilities on any dominKnow | ONE page
List elements offer more visual design and animation options than bullet lists within Text elements
Add fun special effects text using Plain Text Elements
Batch upload files or upload to the Company library quickly and easily
Navigating the interconnected pieces of how dominKnow | ONE uploads, stores and tracks media assets
Easily set up variables for company name, product names and more to use globally in any Project and easily update when needed
Easily change a variable's name, description and initial value or remove it from your project altogether
Quickly understand where a Custom Variable is used throughout your Project including what actions set it, where it is used as a Condition for an action and where it is displayed in a text field
Multiple hotspots for any step with branching pathways, a new Decision Step, auto-saving plus more control over your Capture lesson display highlight this feature release
Easily create steps with more than one way to advance the lesson
New Multilingual Projects and User Notification Controls plus improved Teams, Collections and Media Library experiences and more to make your work in dominKnow | ONE easier and more efficient
Easily add translations to a Project to publish in one package
Tips for using Excel or XML files to provide text translations for import back into dominKnow | ONE
Settings allow you to decide what notification emails you wish to receive
Easily group Projects together to simplify assigning content permission to Teams and individual users