Chris Van Wingerden


Chris Van Wingerden

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This is a really great place to start if you're trying to understand how responsive design can help you tell stories, differently.

It has some awesome examples for inspiration plus a good overview of several responsive design options/effects/tools that you can use to help your content come alive and draw your learner in.

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This is the article where Ethan Marcotte first set out the core ideas behind Responsive Web Design. It's worth a read to understand the origins of the design model that has come to power pretty much the entire Internet since 2010.

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Here's the home page for our Instructional Designers in Offices Drinking Coffee (or #IDIODC as we also call it) video/pod cast.

It's a weekly session from the dominKnow team covering all kinds of instructional design and learning and development topics. It isn't dominKnow authoring focussed, although lots of what gets discussed is very applicable to working in our tools.

Join us live at 9 eastern on Wednesdays on or listen or watch it whenever you want on all the usual podcast ...

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Body text is often a forgotten aspect of design. After all, it doesn't really seem to jazzy, does it?

But it also conveys the vast majority of the information we're trying to get across, so maybe it really should be one of our first design considerations?

This article offers some really interesting thoughts and recommendations about body text as a design element.

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This is a really good explanation of the difference between interactivity and engagement.

We often hear phrases like, "We don't want boring eLearning!" And often that means IDs want to make “more interactive” eLearning. But is interaction really the target we should aiming for? (Spoiler alert: nope.)

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