Learn to work (or work better) in Claro, Flow and Capture
Chris Van Wingerden
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Learn to work (or work better) in Claro, Flow and Capture
Administrators, Authors, Custom Author roles and Reviewers
Quickly create your own library of Sections to add to any page as design templates
Get help, ask questions and learn more about dominKnow | ONE!
Quickly create your own library of Layers to add to any page
Please delay upgrading if possible
Same publishing options, but new words and descriptions to make things clearer plus a new report for insight into Convey-hosted projects
A powerful new approach to single-source content, new Project Filtering options, new Question Page and Quiz options and more in our 7.4.3 release
Authoring interface changes, new authoring features headline the list of hundreds of overall changes in dominKnow | ONE 7.4
Quickly record audio for use as narration to control page timing or to use for other audio needs
New Assessment/Practice Questions plus improvements to other features highlight this release
Bringing together Capture 1.4 and a whole host of feature improvements
How to change size and color as well as work with features like Glossary definitions, Tooltips and more
Steps to create a new Claro Project from the Splash Page.