Michelle Lentz, former learning leader (Oracle, UPS) shares her thoughts on changing L&D culture, organizational knowledge management, and the future of talent.
Jessica-Lynn Russell
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Michelle Lentz, former learning leader (Oracle, UPS) shares her thoughts on changing L&D culture, organizational knowledge management, and the future of talent.
How & Why it Works with Crystal Vesely
Mike Simmons joins us to talk about organization enablement and how L&D is uniquely positioned to blend the best of Knowledge Management, Performance Improvement, and Learning & Development into a cohesive solution that enables all employees to be their best and provide the most value to their organizations.
Diane Elkins joins us to debunk the common myths and excuses used to avoid creating fully accessible learning experiences. She's an experienced elearning development professional who's been at the helm of Artisan Learning for 20 years. Join us for this important and informative conversation.
Dr. Patti Shank joins us to discuss some of the mental processing models you can use to your advantage when producing videos. She reads ALL the research so we don't have too. Join us for another IDIODC with Patti as she continues to help the L&D community apply the research to all that we do.
Myra Roldan, AWS Sr. Technical Program Manager, joins us to talk about the many solutions and productivity hacks she's discovered while experimenting with AI apps.
Nancy Bacon has committed her professional career in L&D to supporting nonprofits. She joins us to share her insights into this world and how you can benefit from knowing a little more about them. Join us for this unique look into the world of L&D and nonprofits.
Mike Hruska joins us to geek out on the future of our work in L&D. He's been on the forefront of every new technology shift L&D has experienced since before SCORM. As a technologist, he's the perfect person to discuss L&Ds future with us.
Cammy Bean join us to talk about her journey as she launches the 2nd edition of her book. We'll also talk about the many hats of instructional design and the growing ecosystem of technology that has expanded the number of hats needing to be worn.
Craig Weiss joins IDIODC to talk about the changes in technology that are changing the landscape of L&D and corporate training. The current state of the L&D industry is something we all live everyday in the work we do. But those experiences are different for each of us.
The 5 Moments of Need exist in every department of every enterprise, and requires a strong and efficient learning ecosystem. Bob Mosher is the founding member at 5 Moments of Need and joins us to share his experiences putting these philosophies into practice.
Kirsten Rourke joins us with some tips and tricks for leveling up your online presentation skills. She's been a trainer, consultant, and top presenter, for years and teaches others how to do it too. Join us for this fun and wide-ranging conversation about becoming a better presenter/speaker.
Jess Almlie joins us to talk about becoming a trusted business advisor. For Jess, this is key in doing our best work as L&D professionals. Join us, you won't want to miss this.
Jane Bozarth, Director of Research for The Learning Guild, joins us in this episode to share the interesting data points she's found through out her years creating research reports for The Learning Guild. She'll share the insights you won't find in the reports you've already read, so you won't want to miss this.
Zsolt Oláh joins us to discuss the data analytics of training and development. We'll discuss what data is available, or should be available, as well as why data helps us make better business decisions.