In a 2017 report, 79% of talent development professionals surveyed by ATD reported they either used microlearning already (38%) or wanted to (41%). Of those who already used microlearning, 92% believed their use would increase in the future.
The last few years have seen a frenzy for microlearning development, with some companies turning their entire L&D strategy towards three to seven minutes learning chunks.
But to quote a beloved chaos theory mathematician, were we so preoccupied with whe...
Four Ways To Think About Using Gamification – Without Turning your eLearning Into Games
Interested in gamifying your eLearning projects but not sure how?
If you're not a gamification expert, the jargon can be overwhelming and intimidating. That's why we've created this primer on examples of gamification. You'll find simple ways to DIY-Gamify – sans-programming – with dominKnow | ONE.
The first thing we need to clarify is what gamification isn’t – it is NOT turning all learning into a game.
dominKnow | ONE has plenty of features to help create highly interactive gaming content...