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We had finished up a project for a client and when sending over the final SCORM packaged file we ran into the issue of our file size being to large to upload into their LMS. Our file size was 1.6 GB assuming the size is due to the fact that we have 44 videos uploaded into it. Is there a way for us to decrease the file size easily or have any suggestions? We would embedd them using a media streaming service but we need to be able to remove the player controls and automatically go to the next p...

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i am trying to embedd a video using an embedd code but is there a way to have a button trigger the embbeded video to play and pause? 

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1. In my project we have a bunch of different modules with many different videos and right now we have the player controls hidden so that a user can't skip ahead. But we are wondering is Is there an option to include a per-module “timer” somewhere from within the platform?  Like since we hide the controls we also hide the timer. Is there a way to just have the timer? 
2. is there a way to change the color of the play head that is placed on top of the video? right now it is a darkish gray and ...

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is there a way to input a full width image? so you open your program in a web browser it goes full width?

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We really like this layout and i believe it works very well for my current client needs but just need an answer to the above questions. 

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