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Carousel scroll bar


I have created a carousel in Claro. There is only line of text on each tab. When it displays there is a vertical scroll bar. No matter how much I enlarge the carousel, the scroll bar displays. I can't seem to get rid of it. Is there a way to disable this feature?
8103   0
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Why Do I See A Message Asking Me If I Want To "Prevent This Page From Creating Additional Dialogs"?


5738   0
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Why Won't My Mobile Device Automatically Play Audio Or Video, Even When I Set To Autoplay?


5710   0
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Is There A Limit To The Number Of Slides A PowerPoint (PPTX) File Can Have When Importing Into dominKnow | ONE?


4601   0
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How Do I Use A Spell Checker In dominKnow | ONE?


4551   0
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Do we have to use your server for dominKnow | ONE or can we use our own?


4536   0
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What Are The Media File Types (Or Formats) Accepted By dominKnow | ONE?


4377   0
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Is it possible to create hidden pages in Claro?

Is it possible to create hidden pages in Claro, where the hidden pages are not counted in the total number of pages (in the page counter)? 
4339   0
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How do I show spacing in text objects so that learners can copy and paste the code into their own files?

I have a situation where I want to display code that has specific leading spacing in the code sample and I want the learner to be able to view the proper design and copy and paste it into their coding system. 
Right now when I put the spacing in dominKnow it deletes and removes the extra spaces after I add the object.
4299   0
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How do I make uploaded screenshots sharp and clear?


When I upload a screenshot and insert it into a project, it always ends up very blurry. I don't see this happening at all with any other image files I upload. Screenshots appear sharp and clear when their image files are opened on my computer, they just look blurry in dominKnow for some reason. This doesn't happen with other images, only screenshots. Does anyone have tips for getting sharp and clear screenshots in dominKnow?
4178   0
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Test-Out option


Hello there,
I need your insights and advice regarding Test-out option in Claro.
I need to test “test-out” as a strategy. I need to provide learners with a test. If they achieved the passing score, they are done. If they failed to pass the test they will be transferred to the course module followed by the test again.
How to do so using Claro?
4160   0
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Where's The Save Button In dominKnow | ONE?


4142   0
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How do I find out what hex color is used in an image?


4126   0
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Can I Download Or Export Assets Or Files From The Media Library?


3941   0
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Question: Can we add our own fonts?


3883   0
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