Training guide for dominKnow | ONE's Capture feature, which allows users to create lessons for software tools and tasks. Capture lessons can be used in both Flow and Claro pages.
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Training guide for dominKnow | ONE's Capture feature, which allows users to create lessons for software tools and tasks. Capture lessons can be used in both Flow and Claro pages.
Made in dominKnow | ONE.
Training Guide for new authors in dominKnow | ONE's Claro authoring option.
Training Guide for new authors in dominKnow | ONE's Flow authoring option.
A repository of instructional articles. Check back often for new articles and updates to existing articles. (Version 7.4.4)
When you add a video to a page you can easily add a text transcript as well as a Closed Captioning file.
Sometimes, though, you might want to provide a more structured approach to a transcript to allow learners to control the video playback by jumping to sections.
Here are four samples we've put together to show different ways you can do that, including the basic steps we used to create them.
A sample showing a single Capture lesson being used as a Show Me, Try Me, Guide View, Practice Test, as well as a Scored Test.
This is an interactive video sample that guides you through an interactive floor plan, covers where the emergency meeting spot is located, and highlights exit locations.
This Beginners Guide to Photography was created using Flow's Tutorial Player experience. This guide will teach you the Elements and Principles of Photography with a few bonus tips; so you can take amazing photos.
This course demonstrates some things you can do with Claro while making engaging and interactive eLearning. The course also covers basic design principles and a little art appreciation!
A picture is worth a thousand words - but is it always worth 1000KB?
Some tips and ideas on optimizing images so your content is a great learning experience.
This game was built in dominKnow | ONE’s Claro authoring option. It uses variables to track correct and incorrect for each question and to fire the actions to add your next flag if you’ve earned it. Based on a design originally create by eLearning Brothers for one of our client teams.
Do you want to fish in Ontario? Take a look at this handy guide to give you the basic information about Fishing Regulations, Equipment, Fish Types, Ways to Fish, and Tips when fishing.
This single-page experience combines animations, video and sliders to explain the different types of responsive web and elearning design in a simple, clean infographic style.