Accessibility - Focus on Test Question Choices
76 0 2Hi there, I am experiencing an issue with focus on answer choices on Test questions. When tabbing through the question elements, focus will only appear on the first answer choice then goes straight to the Submit button. In some cases (not on our LMS unfortunately) - it's possible to Shift + Tab back up from the button to an answer choice, but this is not ideal. I checked the settings on the question and each choice element has "Focusable" selected.
Answers ( 2 )
Actually, I think I invoked Murphy's Law - after I posted this I tried up and down arrows and that seems to do the trick. Not sure if that is 100% valid for successful test, but it's progress.
( 2 )
Excellent! Yes in test questions, WCAG standards want the question and choices to be grouped together. From a uer's standpoint, when you are using the keyboard, you tab into the "group" of choices, and then once in the choices you use the arrow keys to move through and pick/change the selections.
It appears this is what you have recently discovered, so in other words this is good :-)
per Paul's info, this page has the standard's details:
Thanks, Paul - you made my day! :)
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