Any way to do a flow chart in dominknow?

2386 2 2
Posted   3 years ago
  ●   Edited   3 years ago

I have a series of pages each with a simple flow chart linking 2-3 blocks of content. Does anyone have any examples of a flow chart that would work in a responsive way or would it be best to use a custome CSS setup for this?

This is a Flow project.

thanks in advance

Cameron Bowyer

Is there a way to post an image here?


( 2 )
3 years ago     cbowyer.calian     15   |   4  

Well, it would be ideal if it weren't a single graphic. I could make something in Illustrator and bring it in as an SVG but that is problematic for translation.

3 years ago     Paul Schneider     783   |   9  

Can you post a link to a pic of the flow chart? Would the Flow chart be a single graphic or?

Answers  ( 2 )

Posted   3 years ago

You could bring the graphic in as multiple parts. You can also add labels onto the graphic (to help with translation). If they are in multiple parts when things show or people click on items you could have it show other items as well to make it interactive based on how it is scrolling or being interacted with.  

SVG will be good for smaller images and scaling.


( 1 )
3 years ago     cbowyer.calian     15   |   4  

I'll give your suggestion with the labels a try and see how it works for phone size. Thanks!

avatar Brent Schlenker   |    
Posted   3 years ago

I had an interesting idea you might want to try as well...

To accomodate for the responsive move of elements at the different screen sizes, you could creatively use the Hide at and/or Change at feature. Of course this would depend on the complexity of your flow chart, but it's an idea to try...

For example on the wider windows you could use 3 collumns: 1) Text element 2) arrow pointing to the right 3) text element

Then when the responsive kicks in on a smaller screen shifting from 3 columns to 1 column you could also use the Change at feature to change the arrow image from right facing to downward facing.  

You could use the same idea for other flow chart directional elements based on how you have the elements flowing on the screen.  


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