Based on a custom variable, mark modules as complete and assign a module test score as 100%
2037 0 0I'm creating a course with conditions: My stakeholders want to have a pre-test to partially test out of certain modules in the project (3 of the 8 modules with tests would still be required to be watched) and have test questions at the end of each module with a project pass score of 70%.
The pre-test test out option wouldn't work in this situation since there are modules that are required to be watched/completed.
I created variables for each of the modules that can be tested out of and set the custom variables to increase the number in the variable based on getting a specific practice question right. If I create a variable and set it equal or greater than a number, I can invalidate a module but I don't see a way to mark a module as complete based on a variable and give a test score of 100% for a particular module. Is there a way to do this?
Note: Invalidating the module changes the number of questions available to answer and therefor decreases the number of questions someone can get wrong to achieve a passing score. I don't have the Javascript feature (apparently it doesn't come with my subscription) and the html widget, my web developer said he didn't have enough information on where the data is being stored to be able to write it or how the cold fusion is working in this product to be able to write it. It'd be nice if we could access the system variables like we do custom variables for actions.
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