Button activated after video finished playing
3105 0 3I am looking to have a user complete watching a video before being able to click through to the next page. is this possible in flow? I am not see any actions or trigger menu to add to the video like in claro. Is this functionality only available in claro?
Answers ( 3 )
You can use these same steps in either Flow or Claro:
- With the video added to your Flow page, go to the Interact tab and click on Disable Next in the Navigation area of the ribbon.
- On the page, select the video element.
- On the Interact tab select Actions.
- On the left-side menu select Player Controls.
- Select the Enable Next Button option.
- Select the Next button at the bottom of the panel.
- On the Element Interactions tab that opens to the right of the Stage, switch the Triggers: drop down list from When Media time is... to When media ends
Pro tip: Use the Full Project preview to see this in action - the Current Page preview option will fire the Enable Next action, but since there's only one page loaded in this preview you won't be able to go to the next page and test it out fully.
( 0 )Claro or Flow should have the same trigger and action options for controlling the navigation buttons?
The below trigger setup should work for both Claro and Flow. All objects in Claro and Flow have a trigger that tracks if they have been viewed or completed so you don't need to create your own variables to perform basic checks on what a learner has completed on the page.
Set a trigger under Interact -> Triggers -> Current Page... Is Loaded then select Player Controls -> Disable Next Button
Select the Video on the stage, if not already selected then
Set a trigger under Interact -> Triggers -> Selected Element... Is Complete then select Player Controls -> Enable Next Button
( 1 )as Chris notes - you can use this step to save a few clicks to disable the button "With the video added to your Flow page, go to the Interact tab and click on Disable Next in the Navigation area of the ribbon."
There is a Trigger called "Is complete" for video elements. Disable the next button "on page load". And then use the "Is complete Trigger + enable Next action, to turn the next button back on when the user has completed watching the video.
There are a few articles here that you can find by searching "is complete".
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