Can I block clicking left panel in story view theme?

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Posted   3 years ago

We are creating a course with a story view theme. As you know, clicking the menu icon brings up the left panel. We have found that we can complete the course by clicking on the learning object in the left panel even without reading the whole content.

We want to prevent the learner from completing the course by just clicking the left panel without reading the entire content. 

Is there any way to prevent the learner from clikcing the left panel?



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Answers  ( 3 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   3 years ago

The Next button can't be removed from the Storyview theme but it can be turned off on any page.

To do that, go to the Interact tab and click on the Disable Next option there. A good use case for this is on a Practice question where you want the learner to be correct or out of Try Agains before moving on.

Keep in mind that disabling the Next button will require something to happen to turn it on again so the learner can go forward, for example completing an activity that fires the Enable Next action. Or, you could add your own next button to the page. 

There is some further information on this included in this question asked by another user recently.


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avatar Haelee   |    
Posted   3 years ago

Thank you Chris for your answer!

One more quetions to ask... can we remove the next button at the button of the page in the story veiw theme? We want the learner to read all the contents on the each page, then move forward to the next page. 

Thanks again! 


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avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   3 years ago

We have a Publishing Profile setting called "Force Sequential" that helps with this. It's off by default, so you would need to create a publsihing profile that has the feature turned on.

When Force Sequential is on, the learner has to use the page-to-page navigation to move forward through the content in the page order. They can't select any pages ahead of their current completed page in the menu (they can use the Menu to go back to pages they've completed). 

Something to also note: In standard settings, completion of a course is based on the learner viewing all pages. So if the menu is available and they use it to go from the first to the last page, they are only complete for those two pages. They still need to complete all of the pages for the LMS to get a Completion status. We have information on this and other completion-related items in this article here in the Community site.

(If you're seeing a different completion behavior than what I describe above, let us know!)


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