Can the assessment be disabled when a learner goes back into a WBT to review the content after having passed the assessment with 100%??

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Posted   4 years ago

We have set our end of WBT assessment so that a learner has get 100% to pass out the module. They can retake the assessment as many times as needed to get 100%. Each time they take the assessment they a get a new randomized set of 5 questions from a ppol of 15 questions. Once they get 100% the data captured is the # of attempts taken to get 100%. Leaners also have access to the WBT after getting 100% so they can go in and review the content at any point-in-time in the future. 

However, when they do this, they can also retake the assessment. Although the data doesn't seem to be changed on the backend they do get a message of "Great Job" even if now they get anything less than 100%. We believe the "Great Job" is being displayed because they already had passed the assessment with 100% earlier. We are concerned if we fix it so the comment is not displayed, the system will interpret this as having never gotten 100% and the data that was captured the first time they passed will be overwritten with the data from the new time.

We would rather that the assessment page just not be accessible ifhtey go back to review the course once they have passed with 100%. How can we program that?


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Answers  ( 3 )

avatar Luke Hickey   |    
Posted   4 years ago

Alternatively to the approach of using two projects, you can use variables on the last page of the course or on the endscreen to prevent the learner from progressing past the end of the module and accessing the "take test" button.

For example, there is a system variable for the current module score that you could put a condition on the last page to evaluate if the current module score is == 100 then disable the next button or hide the test button or whatever actions you would like to call when the score == 100.

Here's an article on variables if you havn't used them before.



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avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   4 years ago

Here's one approach that would use the LMS to solve this, depending on what your LMS supports/can do.

You could publish a second version of the course that doesn't include testing (create a second Publishging Profile that doesn't include the post-test option) and upload that to the LMS.

You could then set it up as a second course that the learner qualifies for once they've completed/passed the full version with testing. And make the full version unavailable so they don't have the chance to access the version with testing.

This, of course, depends on LMS functionality but if it's possible to do this in your LMS then this might be quicker/easier than altering the course to change its behaviour based on data passed back from the LMS (ie, the 100% score for example).

Depending on how the course is structured, you might even consider using a different Theme for the second version. The Knowledg Base or Tutorial themes might be helpful for a content review/just in time info refresh context, especially if the content is long. 


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4 years ago     Luke Hickey     289   |   4  

Note that if you use this 2 project approach, you wouldn't be duplicating the project in dominKnow | ONE. You would simply be publishing 2 copies with different Publishing Profile options and loading them in the LMS as 2.

avatar admin   |    
Posted   2 years ago

Hey Luke - adding on to this question a bit. I am trying to figure out how to make the "retake exam" button only show up if 

1) the student has not yet taken the exam

2) the student's exam score is less than passing

I can see how to set one of these variables, but not both. 



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2 years ago     Luke Hickey     289   |   4  

Did anyone answer you on this? It’s a great community question on how to validate multiple variables. Have you participated in the weekly meetups with Brent?