Can we make shapes blink?
1696 0 1In one of the page interactions in the course, we were trying to add a shape that would keep on blinking until clicked. We were not able to find any such option. is it possible in DominKnow? If yes, please guide us with that.
Answers ( 1 )
Our Marker elements pulse until they are clicked.
They display icons from our Icon library, so you could display an exclamation mark, arrows or any number of other symbols. And you can set the marker to use any color you want.
They are circlular in shape, so if you're looking to highlight part of an interface, then you'll probably position them beside that specific area. You could still use a shape to outline the actual area as well.
In a Claro course you can add them to the page from the + Add to Your Page button or from the Insert tab. And you can also add them as content over top of an image, by selecting the image then selecting the + Element Control icon. This overview article has a section on that >> Working with Image Elements.
In a Flow course they aren't available as an element, but you can add them over top of an image Element, same as for an image in Claro.
The markers can be used as a button so you can have the trigger other Actions om the page such as showing other content, showing Pop ups, enabling the Next button, etc. when the learner clicks on the Marker.
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