Can you add an image to the scenario builder?
2231 1 1Hi,
I'm using the scenario builder and have a few questions.
1. Is it possible to add images into each speach bubble? I can see the option for audio, but not for an image.
2. Is it possible to format the text, i.e. if I want to bold or italicising something?
3. Is it possible to add in links to pop ups or hyper links into the speach bubbles?
4. Is there any way I can use the images in the scenario as their own stand alone images? I can't seem to find a full body avatar in the stock media section.
Any help would be great!
In addition to Paul’s response. I’ve already added your vote to the backlog for this feature request. We didn’t include image support initially because of the complexity of how the scenario widget is responsive to small screens and we wanted a conversation to fit in a single view on a phone.
Answers ( 1 )
Currently you can't add images into the scenario builder beyond a custom background and custom characters. For this item, please send an example of what you would like to do to as a feature request and they can log that for you.
You can of course create a custom interaction on a page and replicate a discussion with just about any desgin using actions and triggers on a regular page.
In terms of those characters they are all available under Ribbon bar Insert -> Library People (or any other spot you can pick stock - there should be Libary, people and clip art). The people library has all those people and many additional poses, sizes options.
( 2 )Thanks for the response Paul. I'll send an email through with the request. Do you have any examples of custom interactions that look like a scenario conversation I could have a look at?
This sample you can download through the Marketplace:
( 1 )