Can you copy and paste text from a document into Claro?

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Posted   5 years ago


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Answers  ( 2 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   5 years ago

Hi Dominique, thanks for the question!

Yes, you can copy text from, for example, a Word document and paste it into text elements on a Claro or a Flow page.

The copy/paste process removes all formatting from the Word doc. So if the text was bold in the Word doc, it won't be bold when you paste it into the text element in dominKnow | ONE.  This is done to remove any unexpected formatting applied to the text, which could cause issues within dominKnow | ONE. (Word adds a surprising amount of unique formatting to text in a document, which we as users often don't see any indication of.)

Be sure to let us know if you aren't able to copy and past text, though. You can do that by either replying here or by selecting  the Support button in the lower left of the dominKNow | ONE interface then selecting Contact Us.




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avatar dominique.whitefoot   |    
Posted   5 years ago

Thanks Chris. I managed to work out it was MS Edge which was causing the issues (a few colleagues had this too) where you couldn't highlight text in order to copy it. It also wasn't allowing me to copy and paste, but then after trying from several documents it suddenly let me copy and paste....


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5 years ago     Chris Van Wingerden     1402   |   7  

Glad it worked out, thanks for letting us know more details. If it continues to occur or it re-occurs, let our support team know so they can investigate further.