Can you share a collection?
2409 0 1Love the new feature where you can share projects across DominKnow | One instances! Of course, I have to ask, can you share an entire collection, avoiding the need to share each individual project?
Answers ( 1 )
Thnaks for the question. Glad that feature will be of use to you. At this time there isn't a way to share entire groups of projects. When sharing each project the cotents are psuhed into an exportable version that can be imported into dominKnow | ONE and would take too much processing power to do mass shares at once.
However, if you have a specific use case in which projects need to be mass shared, please reach out to your account rep or to support and provide them with the details of what you are looking to accomplish. We do have some other options that can be provided on a case by case basis for this type of situation.
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