Capture Issue - Mouse/Cursor shows preceding actual click
1981 0 1As I'm working on a Capture, I noticed that the mouse always appears at the previous location on the screen (for each step).
For example Let's say step 1 is in the middle of the screen and step 2 is at the top-left.
When viewing in "Show Me" on step 2, the outlined hotspot will be at the top-left as expected, but the cursor still shows in the center of the screen (from step 1). The problem is that when using the zoom, it seems to zoom towards the cursor rather than the mouse click/hotspot location.
Is there a way to change the location of the zoom or mouse? I have tried using the timeline below each screenshot, but that doesnt seem to move the mouse location.
Answers ( 1 )
What you're describing is how the Show Me mode is designed to work. The basic pattern is the learner reads the text for the step (on the right or below, depending on responsive settings) and the cursor moves to the hotspot for the related step, starting from the location of the hotspot of the previous step. And yes, the pan/zooming is based on the cursor movement rather than the hotspot locations.
There isn't a way to change the location of the zoom or cursor, but when you publish the lesson from the Capture application there is a checkbox setting to turn off the pan and zoom, and maybe that will help you. That sets whether the pan and zoom is on or off by default, learners can choose to use the pan and zoom button below the Show Me lesson to change that setting for themselves as well.
Hope this helps!
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