Checking out

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Posted   4 years ago

What does it mean when you hover over a learning object in the Outline in the authoring tool and a popup message displays, "Not checked out"?


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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   4 years ago
  ●   Edited   4 years ago

On the Learning Object level when you roll over and see the tooltip "Not Checked out" - that's actually a holdover/left over from past versions of the tool that should have been removed but looks like it wasn't.

Prior to dominKnow | ONE you could only check in/out at the Learning Object level, not at the individual page level. With dominKnow | ONE it changed to the new page-level commit process (which incorpated the previous check in/out as part of commiting). 

So, the short answer is it has no effect on the content/functionality, seems to just have been missed in the transition to the new Committ process. We've noted it with the support team.


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