Course Duration - Where is that set?
1496 0 2My {{sys.course.duration}} variable is yielding 60 - been looking through the User Guide but I cannot figure out where that number is coming from. The course timing should be around 25 minutes. Is this a number I can adjust manually in a setting somewhere?
Answers ( 2 )
Can you tell us a bit about how you want to use this variable so we can provide the most suitable information? (That way we aren't providing details that aren't helpful.)
( 6 )Sure - trying to get "duration" into the "Results" field for an xapi action we've created at the end of the course - here is what I think is the one that is sent with "Complete Project's Learning" - "result": { "success": true, "duration": "PT20M29.68S", "score": { "raw": 100, "min": 0, "max": 100 },
So for the duration, are you looking to know how long the learner spent in the course or are you looking to set a specific (more arbitrary) value?
What I'm trying now adds a custom variable (which is a string) and {{sys.course.duration}} - thanks!
Sys.course.duration is not the SCORM/xapi/aicc duration time. The sys.course.duration is a metadata variable that has the value set on the course properties for duration. It is static metadata.
Does it go in the "tags" section of the Metadata? (or somewhere else?)
The system variable {{sys.course.duration}} is an old system variable that the author used to set on the properties panel as an estimate of the time to complete the course. It could be used within dominKnow | ONE pages as a sytem variable, but it wasn't data that was passewd to the LMS nor was it it something that changed if the learner's time to complete was different. It was deprectaed in a recent release and can no longer be set on the Project Properties panel, but is still available when authoring to support older projects that may have been created before its deprecation. So, as Luke says, it's not really what you want.
To know how long a learner has spent in a course, you can use the Module Timing feature, which can be accessed as a system variable.
Here's an article that explains how that can be set up >> Timed Content
Hope this helps!
( 2 )Thanks Chris, I was going to verify that today to make sure the module timer didn’t have to be enabled first.
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