Disable/enable Next button
2518 0 4I have disabled the Next navigation button on a Flow page. There are two clickable elements on the page that the learner must open before proceeding to the next page. How can I keep the Next button disabled until both elements have been clicked? The order in which they are clicked is not important.
Answers ( 4 )
Easiest would be to use custom variables. When each of your buttons are clicked set the variable to a value that you know is the value that confirms they clicked all the things you want. Then you can use an action to listen for the variables value to match and enable the Next button when they do.
See the attached Capture that shows how to use a variable condition to enable the Next button.
( 0 )I have followed the instructions in the video above, but something is not working. Either the Next button becomes enabled after only one of the items is clicked, or it doesn't become enabled at all after both items are clicked. Clearly, I am missing something here. Maybe I have not created the variable correctly? Is there an instruction on how to create this variable, AllClicked(number)?
( 1 )I've asked support to reach out, variables can be tricky to debug via this forum.
Luke, The requirement from our client is that all content be viewed before the learner can move to the next page. As this is a certification course, they are required to see all the content. Some pages have multiple hyperlinks. The bigger challenge is that there are hyperlinks embedded in carousels and accordians, and all of them need to be viewed before the Next button can be enabled. It's getting complicated. Any guidance you can provide in creating the necessary variables to execute this functionality would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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