Enable Next button after audio has finished playing
1775 0 2
Posted 2 years ago
I have an audio clip on a page in Flow. Is there a way to keep the Next button disabled until the audio has finished playing? I have it set to enable after all the content on the page has been viewed, but the client wants it disabled until the audio has finished.
I have used the "Element is complete" trigger, but it enables the Next button as soon as I start the audio, rather than after it has finished playing.
Answers ( 2 )
Posted 2 years ago
You can add a Player Action to Enable the Next button based on when the audio file has finished playing.
Fastest way to do this:
- Select the audio file on the Stage
- Select the Actions button (the purple lightning bolt icon). On the panel that opens it should say, "When Media Ends", which is the trigger you want
- Select More
- Select Player Controls
- Select Enable Next button
- Select Next
- On the Element Interactions panel that opens to the right of the Stage, you should only need to select Apply (unless you want to adjust any of the settings on that panel)
Hope this helps!
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