Export Media Library Data to Spreadsheet
3103 0 2Is it possible to export Media Library information to a spreadsheet, and perhaps even manage the data this way (i.e. - apply tags to multiple elements at once)? (maybe there's a way to do it in dominknow without spreadsheet :))
Answers ( 2 )
We have a new report in our next major release called "Media Metadata and Compliance" that both reports media usage, permission (rights to use / source) and other extended meta data. This report also allows admins to edit the meta data faster than using the media library.
If you want to get into the beta, email beta@dominknow.com to request access. If you're already in the beta you can find the report, title noted above, in the AppMenu -> Reporting
( 0 )That is really cool, just saw the report in the Beta, thank you so much for the info!
( 0 )