Header Fade and Delay in Flow
1430 0 1Hi everyone
In a Flow project, I am currently using two different headers for two different types of pages. What we've recently noticed is that when we switch from a page with a header to a page with no headers, there is a delay between when the header disappears. The header from the previous page remains for a few seconds.
If there a location within DK where a setting has to be disabled or is this meant to happen? The header is a simple image
Answers ( 1 )
This can be a side effect of the default Page Transition Fade effect. If you change your project's default to none this should remove the slight effect you are describing. Note that some of the other transition effects may also result in a positive resolution, but you will need to check them for your given content.
View steps on how to change the default page transition.
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Thank you so much Paul!
Especially for that link. I've been flying blind for the last year trying to figure things out without knowing that documentation existed.
Excellent! Yes the user guide (also accessible from withing the Help? link in dk1 has a lot of step by steps for different items.
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