How can I reset an assessment question if the learner goes back?
1621 0 1
Posted 2 years ago
I have a end of module assessment including 10 test questions.
The client has requested that we include a back button so users can go back to the previous question and attempt it again (before getting to the end of the test).
Going back to the previous question page it can be reattempted, however only the first recorded - ie if they answer incorrectly the first time and then go back and answer correctly the second time the system is still marking the question as incorrect.
Setting an action to reset the current page is then not allowing the user to continue - looping the page around. Question choices were also set to randomise and resetting the page just put the page in a weird loop that continually shuffled the choices.
In summary - Option to go back to the previous question and the last attempt is the one that will be recorded.
Answers ( 1 )
Posted 2 years ago
Hello Matt,
Unfortunately that is not currently a capability in dominKnow | ONE. We recommend you submit a product enhancement request to support for future consideration.
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