How can i show a timer based on a videos time?
2477 0 1Answers ( 1 )
Our team put info together to help you on this and replied back to your original posting of this need in your three-part question over here earlier today.
Here's a repost of that information, though, in case other users come across this posting.
The use-case here is that the controls for the video have been set as hidden so learners can't use the scrub bar to go to the end of the video to trigger the Next button to be enabled. But with the video controls hidden, the learner no longer sees details like the time remaining as the video plays.
dominKnow | ONE has a Timer feature that can be used to do this. Here are the steps for that:
Here's how to show and control a timer based on the video's time
1. Add a Timer to your page (here is an article on how to do this )
2. Deselect “Auto Start” on the Options tab
3. Select Binding on the Options tab
4. Use Value - Enter the exact time of the length of your video and click OK
5. Select the video on the stage
6. Select the Actions (lightning bolt) element control to add an action
7. Select “More”
8. Select “Media & Timers”
9. Select “Play” and click Next
10. Select the Timer as the Target
11. In the Trigger drop down select “When media is played”
12. Click Apply
Add another action to Pause the Timer if the learner pauses the video:
1. Click Add on the Element Interactions panel
2. Select “Media & Timers”
3. Select “Pause” and click Next
4. Select the Timer as the Target
5. In the Trigger drop down select “When media is paused”
6. Click Apply
Add another action to Replay the Timer when the learner presses the playhead to continue playing the video:
1. Click Add on the Element Interactions panel
2. Select “Media & Timers”
3. Select “Replay” and click Next
4. Select the Timer as the Target
5. In the Trigger drop down select “When media ends”
6. Click Apply
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