How do I edit the module that the pre-assessment resides in?
2866 0 1I do not see anywhere to access a pre-assesment other than activating it through the publishing profile. I would like to add instructions on taking it before it is offered.
Answers ( 1 )
The pretest for a module gets shown to the learner at the start of a module (if that module has test questions).
You can add a new Module to your Project and move it to be the first module in the structure then add in pages with instructions or other important information to it. It's probably a good place to add a Project title page, for example.
When the learner launches the course, they'll see the intro pages in that module. On the last page of that module the Next button will take them to either a Module End Screen or straight into the first page of the next module if you choose to turn off the module endscreens in the Publishing Profile.
When the first page of the Module with test questions in it is loaded, that will trigger the Pre-test at that point.
Hope this helps, let us know if you have any other questions around this.
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