How to change the color/styles of Page Transcript modals?

1617 0 1
Posted   2 years ago

Instead of using the Transcript button in a Flow Navbar, we'd like to insert a "Show Transcript" button onto pages that make use of the Page Transcript functionality.  This works just fine, but we cannot determine how to change the look and feel of the modal that displays when the button is selected.  It defaults to a gray background with white text which does not align with WCAG color contrast.  There also seems to be excessive padding that we'd like to overwrite.  Can you please point us in the right direction?  Thank you!



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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   2 years ago

dominKnow | ONE does not currently have a WYIWYG theme option to make these adjustments. However, you can use the Theme Designer and the Add CSS function to make these specific changes. This would then be applied to any project that used the changed theme. If you are not familiar with CSS and how to inspect the DOM of a project to determine what CSS to apply the changes to, I would suggest you join one of our Customer Meetup sessions and ask that question during those sessions. There are a lot of great customers who join this that can provide some help in this area.



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