In Claro, how do I mark unvisited pages as completed without having to view those pages?
1369 1 1We build courses that contain repetitive "how to use the course player" info. I want to add a scenario that asks the student if they are familiar with using the course player.
- If they answer no, I want them to branch to the next page and proceed through the course as normal.
- If they answer yes, I want them to be skipped past the remaining 4 pages in the topic and begin the next topic.
In the event the answer is yes and they are branched to the next topic, I want the 4 pages that are skipped to show as having been completed. Is this possible?
Never mind, I just used the branching scenario and noticed when I view the full project, the player marks pages between the scenario page and the landing page as complete.
Answers ( 1 )
If you use page branching, dominKnow | ONE automatically marks pages you jumped over completed so the user won't end the course and have an incomplete.
You can also mark all content complete with the player control actions (near the bottom of the list).
For more information about completion see the SCORM Completion article.
( 1 )