Instant Feedback on Questions
3232 0 5Hello there - we've been getting some complaints about the number of clicks it takes to get through a Practice Question. Is there a setting that allows the feedback to be instant (eliminating a submit button, which to me would not be logical) - or to automatically advance the page after the feedback popup is closed?
Tried adding an action on the default submit to go to the next page... would be great if there were something that would trigger that on popup close.
I think we could customize something, just wondering if there's a quicker way before we go that direction.
Answers ( 5 )
I'm assuming the goals are to
- Have only single multiple choice questions
- User only has to click on a question to pick it and it is scored immediately
- User gets feedback to review
- User has button to advance to next question
I would do this as a template (so you can easily copy and use again).
- Per Brent's suggestion eliminate the submit button and then add an action to each radio button of "submit" question.
- For feedback, instead of using the default feedback(assuming you want text), display something on the page with the feedback. Set it hidden on load and then use actions with triggers of either when submitted, when correct, when incorrect etc. to display the feedback.
- In the feedback include your "next" question button. With the button having an action of going to next page.
If you do this you can then just copy that page or put it in a baseline and use it as a template and only need to change the feedback text, question text, and choice text and not have to touch any actions etc.
( 1 )Thank you Paul! This works great on Single Answer - we had to do something different for Multiple Answer - I tacked on the solution received from your support folks below. Appreciate your and Brent's time!
One solution is to use the Disable Submit Button feature that is in the last column of the Question tab (red).
And then add a trigger/action to the answer radio button elements. I added "Is interacted with - click" and "go to next page". But also added a 2 second delay so the user can see the radio button being clicked and highlighted.
I also deleted the other actions connected to the practice question by default.
From here you could also add something to the incorrect elements and have them show a popup followed by a "go to next page" action. In this case, once the user closes the popup they will already be on the next page.
( 0 )Thanks Brent! This helps us get closer.... is there a way to stop the page from advancing until the popup is closed?
Would be great if an action could be added to the Close button on the Banner popup... this almost does what we need, but the popup disappears when the action advances to the next page. The go to next page action in general is kind of weird, thought about trying to time it to happen in like, 5 or 10 seconds, but I've found trying to anticipate how long someone needs to read something can also elicit user ire.
Thought about also putting the feedback elements on the page as textboxes that display based on whether answer is correct or incorrect. Then there is no popup, eliminating the additional click.
( 0 )So close... if I could only find the variable for the Question :) Trying to solve this for a multiple answer question, it's getting complicated...
Is there a variable for "Current Question" or something that we can work with? Not seeing it in the Assessment or other system variables - like maybe sys.currentQuestion ...
Scouring this, not seeing anything:
I submitted a ticket / email so I could share a screenshot, I appreciate everyone's help!
( 1 )Hmm I think you are making this too complicated. There is NO need for variable for current question. There are built in triggers for current question under the Triggers button on the interact tab. If you are trying to use variables for what you have described you are making this much more difficult. Just use the built in triggers and actions and you can accomplish everything you have detailed.
This question displays feedback on the page so that the learner doesn't have to click to close the popup. I was getting stumped because I was using a previously built question that had feedback defined, so I needed to delete that, in addition to using triggers below as David guided me. Sharing notes I wrote up for our team in case they are of use.
To make the feedback popup NOT SHOW:
- Turn off the Feedback checkboxes (if your feedback isn't blank for whatever reason, you have do do step 2 for this to work).
- DELETE ANY FEEDBACK in your popups (make sure all the feedback fields are empty).
To make the feedback boxes:
- Add textboxes based on the feedback you want, in the location you want
- TIP: Label / rename the textboxes so you can differentiate them :)
Add Triggers to the page to make your Correct and Incorrect Feedback textboxes show based on learner selection:
- Select the feedback box you are adding the "show" action to.
- Go to Interact > Triggers
- Select "More..." at the very bottom of the Select a Trigger menu:
- When an attempt is Correct > Show "Correct" textbox
- When an attempt is Partially Correct > Show "Incorrect/Partially Correct" textbox,
- When an attempt is Incorrect > Show "Incorrect" textbox
- Rinse and repeat for all cases (Correct, Incorrect, Partially Correct, etc.) do one for each case "Correct" > Show "Correct" textbox, etc.
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