Make slide build
2007 0 2I have added 6 elements (click to reveal) on a slide. I have added Show functionility on it i.e., if a user clicks 1 element the associated text comes up. However, I want that when the user clicks 2nd element, then the 1st text should not disappear. Also, on clicking one particular box (in a random order) only the text associated with it should come up.
Answers ( 2 )
The click and reveal interaction does hide the previous shown elements as you move through. Similar to a tab set behavior.
Using the word slide I'll assume you're using Claro.
If your goal is to have a button or series of buttons that when clicked show text/bullets build on the page, have you looked at using a list element? List elements let you add all the text to the List and then you can use a list action to Show Next item in the list.
If you need more than just text builds you'd likely be best to use the Show action to trigger showing the elements with each button click. If you uncheck the option to "Hide other targets" within the Show action panel, the other items will not hide when showing the subsequent elements.
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