Master page setup

2271 0 2
Posted   3 years ago

I would like to have a small horizontal bar appear along the top and bottom of each screen in my project. They will be in the colours of the theme that the client has chosen for the look and feel of the course. Is there a way to insert these items somewhere on a master page so that I don't have to manually add them to each page?



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Answers  ( 2 )

avatar Timscap   |    
Posted   3 years ago

That works perfectly! Thanks.


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avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   3 years ago

You can create Headers or Footers that are added to your project's main pages. They can contain pretty much anything, from a design element like you describe to text or even buttons (some client projects have used them for a custom navigation approach, for example). 

Here's an overview of how to use those >> Working with Footer and Header Pages (Master Pages)

The feature has some nice flexibility. For example, you can have two different header or footer options and you can control/set which pages use which of each (or neither).

Some things to note

These have different behaviors in Flow and Claro:

  • In Flow content, the headers and footers are added as sections at the top or bottom of the content pages.
  • In Claro these are added as Layers over the main content pages.

Also, you will only see these added in Full project preview and in the published content. They don't get shown on the Stage as you author, nor in Current page previews.


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