Swap buttons in Flow
2686 0 2How do I swap/toggle buttons in Flow when changing the state of a Capture sim? I'm wanting my buttons/content to do the same thing it does in the Authoring in DominKnow guide.
Answers ( 2 )
Adding to Paul's info: if you want to allow the learner to swap back, you'll need to show a second button with the other Switch Capture State action (you can only set one of these Switch Capture State actions on a single button) and hide the first button.
An alternative could be to use a Toggle (Insert tab >> Inputs >> Toggles) - the Toggle can set a variable and you can then evaluate the variable's value to do the Switch Capture State action.
( 1 )Add an action to a button (or any item you like). Under Media and Timers actions categoriy you will see the options for Capture. The option you want is Switch Capture State. You can choose that option and then select the desired Capture and then pick what you would like the mode switched to.
( 1 )Right. I have that part figured out. How do I make the state of the buttons switch so that it either toggles between buttons or the text changes on the buttons? I'm not sure how you did that part.
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