Tooltip Not Working on Hover

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Posted   one year ago

Hi, I added a tooltip to the word "hover" in one of my projects. However, when previewing the project, the tooltip does not appear when I hover, instead if I click on the tooltip it will then appear. I have the tooltip inside a flip card. When I click on the word 'hover' the flip card flips and then shows the tooltip. This is not the action I was wanting. 



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Answers  ( 2 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   one year ago

The Tooltip trigger action was changed from Hover to Click recently, apologies that the lesson wasn't updated to reflect that. 

It was changed to click to better adhere to WCAG accessibility standards, as hover triggers typically don't meet this standard.

And I totally see why hover would be wanted in this case, since the click is also the trigger for the Flip Card.

Here's a possible option to try instead, adding a Show action to the word with a trigger of When mouse rolls over. In this case, you wouldn't be showing the same kind of tooltip panel, but showing something else on the page instead or even a Popup over the page.

To set this up to show another element on the page:

  • In the text element, select the word
  • In the mini toolbar above the text box select the Actions icon (the lightning bolt)
  • On the panel that appears, select More at the bottom
  • On the panel that opens, select Show (from the Hides and Shows list) then select Next
  • The process will now switch to the Element Interactions panel to the right of the Stage, where you can select the on-page element you'd like to have shown by the action then on the Trigger: drop-down list select "When mouse rolls over" and finish setting up the action 

To do this to show a Popup, select the Popup option instead of More in step 3 above.

If you do a Popup the learner will have a close option right on the popup panel that gets shown over the page. If you set this up to show another element on the page, you may want to add a second action to the word in the text element, a Hide action with a Trigger of "when mouse rolls off" to hide the other element again. 

Hope this is helpful!



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avatar Luke Hickey   |    
Posted   one year ago

Hi, Can you confirm that you added the tooltip to a selected piece of text / a word in a paragraph and hover isn't working when you mouse over? Like the steps in the attached example is showing?



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one year ago     b.belbin     2   |   2  

Hi, I added the tooltip almost in the same fashion as the video. The only difference is that I added it to a single word in a sentence. The word become highlighted to indicate that it worked, however it still only works when the word is clicked on, not when hovered.