Using Custom Variables in XAPI statement

1445 0 1
Posted   one year ago

Hi, I have a form on the first page of my course to capture learner data (name, email etc). I'd like the "Submit" button on the page to send the data as an XAPI statement to my LRS so I can record that the user has accessed the course. I would also love for the variables (First Name, Last Name) to replace the userID sent for the remainder of the interactions for the course. Is this possible, and if so, what are the parameters I need to set in the "send xAPI statement" element interaction for the button?




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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   one year ago

You can create a form to collect that data and set the data to variables. In a custom xAPI statement  you can then send that variable data to your LRS.

In terms of overriding what the LMS or LRS provides, that is not typically recommended as this should be the source of truth if that is the launch point. Within an LRS you could take the data from the custom statement and create a data merge (either within the LRS or outside it in another reporting tool).

If it is not launched through an LMS or LRS you can inject information into the package through the launch URL

You may also want to join one of our weekly meet ups and ask the question of other customers to see if they have ideas.



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