What is the best way to save content out of Articulate to transfer to DominKnow

719 0 1
Posted   6 months ago

I am a new customer and ending our contract with Articulate. Any suggestions on how to save content from Articulate and get into dominKnow?  My company will not pay for the automated service by dominKnow so I need to know how to do it myself.  Thank you



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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   6 months ago

Unfortunately this is a conundrum. With most any tool out there simply isn't a way to export from one authoring solution and import into another authoring solution as none of the solutions share a common source format. Unique to the market dominKnow has worked with several of our clients to mass convert content from one platform into dominKnow as editable content. Without this, it can be a a large lift to manually recreate the content. However, as you know this is a services project and the cost can vary greatly. 

Since you mention Articulate, dominKnow does have experience with Articulate Rise, and if your content is in Rise, I strongly recommend you contact your customer success manager at dominKnow, as it is likely we can provide you with an extremely economical solution.   

If there is no budget, then it would be a matter of manually recreating the content. However, let's face it, your time is not free and is extremely valuable, so let dominKnow help you build the business case for your success! 



( 3 )
6 months ago     smholland     0   |   0  

What do you mean "mass convert content from one platform into dominKnow"? How would dominKnow be able to do something that I wouldn't be able to do myself? Especially since dominKnow does not have access to my Articulate account? I don't mind the sales pitch, but as I posted earlier my managers do not value my time as much as you do and I have to do it manually.

6 months ago     Paul Schneider     783   |   9  

Great question. dominKnow has developed a conversion engine that we can run as an internal process. When we work with clients to mass convert content from one solution to another, the client provides us the content in an export format. Sometimes this is XML or JSON, sometimes a web format. In the case of Rise, you would need to provide us a published SCORM or Web package version of the projects you would want converted. Our services team would then process these packages through our engine that would create a dominKnow version of the content. We would then load those into your dominKnow | ONE site.

Depending on the content and our experience with previously converting that type of content there is additional services work to enhance our conversion engine to meet the specific needs of that content. If there is no additional work, then the costs can be quite low as they are associated with mass processing and loading that content. If you utilize Rise, we can take a sample course you provide and give you a taste of what it would look like. Full disclosure, we are still improving the Rise conversion process so it doesn't provide a 100% match currently, but you will be able to see the fidelity of our current process with your converted sample.

6 months ago     Paul Schneider     783   |   9  

p.s. Sorry to hear about your manager's not valuing your time. That is frustrating.