Why can't I access some of my projects to share pages between projects?

462 0 2
Posted   4 months ago

I have been importing .ppt pages into a temporary project to later import to my main project.  However, when I attempt to copy a page from an existing project "Copy From A Project", the temporary project that I used to import the .ppt does not show up in any searches.  Please help.  Thanks.



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Answers  ( 2 )

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   4 months ago

As I understand you are in the target project and want to copy pages from the temp project. In the target project make sure you have selected a page in that project and then select the "Copy from a project". Since you know the name of the project you wish to copy from use the Browse option (2nd option in upper left). This will allow you to browser and search by projects and locate the test project. It sounds as if you might have been searching for specific pages using the search and depending on titles of the page, etc. this would make it harder to find what you want, given you know what specific project has the desired pages.

Don't forget to copy project Styles over from the Test project as well to maintain the look and feel of the text elements. (see PPT Tips)



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4 months ago     LewisJP     0   |   1  

Thank you for this feedback. The problem I seem to be running into is that the temporary project does not show up when I "Browse Projects" in the "Copy From A Project" window. On my home screen, all of my temp projects (all imports from .ppt) have a different color icon - is there something I need to do to those projects to make them able to be copied from?

4 months ago     Paul Schneider     783   |   9  

As long as you are an admin or created the projects they will show up.

Try this, open the test project (or just select it) and get the project ID from the project properties and then browse all projects in the copy (after you open the target project) and put that ID in. That will bring you directly to that project.

If that doesn't work, please submit a support ticket to support@dominknow.com? Include the project IDs of the project you are copying pages from and the project you are copying pages to.

4 months ago     LewisJP     0   |   1  

Thanks. I gave it a try and it did not return the temp project as an option (it returned nothing). I wonder if this is because I may not be an admin and the target project was created by an admin... I am reaching out to the admin to see if I can get new permissions or if they can import the slides for me. If being an admin shouldn't matter please let me know and I will reach out to the support shop.

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   4 months ago

We've forwarded your issue of not seeing your other imported projects to our support team to look into.


( 1 )
4 months ago     LewisJP     0   |   1  

Thank you. My Admin has suggested that the version of dominKnow | One we have may not allow developers to import... We'll see what we can figure out and I will reach back if we run into any issues. Thanks so much for your engagement.