if you make it so one has to complete all actionable items on page to move forward and once they do and click the next arrow is there a way to make it so if they go back to the previous page they don't have to view all the content again?
2625 0 3Answers ( 3 )
Currently, you can use the same Current Page is Complete trigger to also set a variable. So, if the page is complete, variable PageX = True.
Then add an action to evaluate that variable when the page loads (Interact tab >> Triggers >> When Variable is Changed) and enable the Next button if the value = True.
In our next feature relase this becomes even easier. We've added a Publishing Profile option that takes care of this - you'll just need to check the box to turn the option on.
( 1 )For setting the variable when the page content is complete, the steps are similar to this:
except that you are using the Page is Complete trigger (Interact tab >> Triggers >> Curent page is Complete >> rest of steps) to set the variable, rather than a button.
To evaluate the variable when the page loads:
- Select the Interact tab
- Select Triggers
- Select Variable is Changed
- Select your custom variable from the drop down
- Select True
- Select Next
- Select Player Controls from the left-side menu
- Select Enable Next Button
- Select Next
- Complete the process by selecting Apply on the left-side panel that opens
We've curated a Collection of articles on Variables here that will help you learn more about Variables. Although we can't be exhaustive since the use of variables can cover a potentially limitless set of needs/designs there are several example lessons to provide the basics, and from there you should be able to adapt and apply to solve other cases.
( 0 )The Publishing Profile that ensures that the learner doesn’t have to re-complete all content on a page if they return to it later is the Keep Forward Enabled option in the Navigation section of the Publishing Profile.
Selecting this option covers off any circumstances where a learner completed content to enable the forward button, whether that's by selecting all content on a page or by correctly answering or exhausting all re-tries on a Practice question.
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