Plus, Join dominKnow’s Paul Schneider, PhD, for Transform your Content with Gaming Elements May 23 @ 4:30 pm PST 


Come say hello to the dominKnow team at booth #1419! 

We're looking forward to understanding your projects and asking questions like:

  • Are you reaching your learners throughout your entire learning ecosystem?
  • Wish you could create, manage, and distribute content to internal and external learners with one-click of a button?

Let's answer these questions and give you some peace of mind.

Transform your Content with Gaming Elements Session

On Tuesday, May 23, be sure to schedule time for our very own Paul Schneider, PhD, who will be speaking along with Edward Javor (Interactive Advantage Corporation) about transforming your content with gaming elements. 

What can you expect to learn at the session: 

  • Evaluate preexisting learning content to determine the most engaging topics and challenges for gamified learning activities. 
  • Apply design concepts and techniques to create customized gamified learning activities that boost learner engagement. 
  • Apply foundational programming concepts and best practices for integrating gaming mechanics into your learning. 

Session Details: 
Date: Tuesday May 23, 2023 
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM PST 
Topic: Transform Your Content with Gaming Elements: A Collaborative Exploration 
Room: 31  

Be sure to mark your calendar and make time to join the discussion.

Can’t make it to the session but want to learn more about creating game-based content in dominKnow | ONE?  
Edward and the Interactive Advantage team have put together a one-day gaming workshop.
The next session is June 13-14, 2023. 

Learn more: dominKnow | ONE Games Development Workshop 

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