There are a range of settings available on the Options tab for uploaded video files 

When you have added an uploaded video on a page, selecting the video adds the Options tab to the ribbon. You can open the Options tab by selecting it directly or by selecting Options under the three-dot menu icon shown on the element.    


The Options tab offers a number of settings to work with and control the display behavior of the uploaded video. 


The Element section of the tab has two options:

  • Change: Allows you to change the video for a different video.
  • Reset Dimensions: Sets the video back to its default size if you have changed its display size on the page.


The Playback section of the Video context tab has eight options:

  • Autoplay: Sets the video to automatically play when the Page loads in Claro or the element comes into view in the browser in a Flow page. In Flow it will also automatically pause playing when it is no longer in view on the stage (for instance, if a learner scrolls down further on a long page).
  • Hide Controls: Hides the video player controls for the learner.
  • Hide Play Head: Hides the Play icon (the triangle in a circle) over the video.
  • Loop Playback: Sets the video to loop continuously.
  • Allow Fullscreen: Sets the video player bar to include the option for viewing the video at Full Screen display.
  • Allow Upscale: In Claro, this allows the video to be set to a display size larger than its actual dimensions. In Flow, this sets the video to automatically expand to fit the element's available space, if that space is larger than the video’s own size/dimensions.
  • Closed Caption: Sets the video player bar to display closed captioning text if the video has a supported closed captioning file attached to it.
  • Disable Audio: Disables the video's audio. 


The Properties button allows you to view the Properties information for the video file, where you can review and edit:

  • The Element Details (for the use of the video as an element on the specific page you are working on)
  • The Asset Details (the details for the video file as an asset in the Media Library)
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