In this episode, Kevin Thorn joined us for our recurring IDIODC Drink'n'Draw show. This special edition of Drink'n' Draw occurred right after DevLearn which is the first in-person DevLearn since pre-COVID. Kevin talks about his day-long Storyboarding Workshop and will shares his experience and outcomes with us.



Storyboarding is a basic skillset often overlooked by instructional designers and project managers.  For many developers the storyboarding process is bypassed in favor of building an eLearning "proof of concept".  This is great for developers given the storyboarding task, and for one-person ID teams to optimize their project processes. However, storyboarding is a valuable skill for everyone to learn. 

Storyboarding can be used to communicate ideas and concepts in more powerful ways with stakeholders and clients to increase understanding and overall chances of project success.  Sketching interaction ideas/concepts can also improve communications between designers and developers.  

In this episode, Kevin Thorn joins us for our recurring IDIODC Drink'n'Draw show where Kevin teaches instructional designers different aspects of drawing applied to the work of instructional designers and eLearning developers.

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