When a user provides an answer to your question that has been proven to solved your issue, you can tag that answer as Approved. Your question may have many responses from other users, but sometimes people misunderstand the question or do not provide a complete response. You can help others identify the solution that worked best for you by marking the specific response as Approved. Follow the instructions below to learn how.
To approve an answer via email notification:
Note: You must have email notifications enabled in your settings to approve answers this way.
- When a user submits an answer to your question, you will receive an email from Clarofy. In the email you will see your question and the user’s response and username. To approve the answer, click the Yes, this answers my question button at the bottom of the email.
Note: If you’d like to view the project prior to approving the answer, you can open the project from the email by clicking the View Project Now link below the Question and Answer details.
To approve an answer in Clarofy:
Note: You must be logged in to approve an answer in Clarofy.
- From the landing page, click on the section header My Questions to open a list of all of your question projects.
- Locate the question you want to edit and click on the Edit button (pencil icon) located at the bottom of the tile. The question will open.
Note: If the answer is to a question asked on another user’s project, locate and open the project. - Locate the answer that you want to approve. To the left of the answer is a grey bubble with a checkmark icon—this is the Approve icon. Click the Approve icon. The bubble will change from grey to green to indicate that the answer has been approved.
Note: You can only have one Approved answer, so be sure to choose the response that best answers your question. If you select the Approve icon next to another answer, the first approved answer will have approval removed and the bubble will return to the grey state.
Note: If you accidentally approved an answer, you can simply click the icon a second time to remove approval. The bubble will return to a grey state to indicate the removal of approval.
Note: You can only approve answers for your own questions. The Approve icon will not be available to you for questions asked by other users.
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