In this weekly cast, Amy Shilliday joins Brent and Chris for an episode all on icebreakers! Whether you're conducting an in-person training session or online, these challenges are for everyone.



When it comes to icebreakers there are 2 camps: You either love them or you hate them. But the reality is that every instructor let training session needs to start with an engaging introduction. Gagne made "gaining learner attention" #1 in his list of 9 elements of effective learning for a good reason. But over the years the old icebreakers of traditional training have lost their value as trainers just go through the motions. In this session the gang goes back to the beginning and re-learn why ice breakers are important, and what makes them valuable. We're talking with Amy Shilliday to share best practices for selecting and designing activities that will spark engagement and increase participation in your room.

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