In this episode Frank Nguyen join us for a special IDIODC Career Chat. We will discuss his "origin story", the projects he is most proud of and we'll get his feedback on what he thinks it takes for YOU to work your way up the corporate ladder to CLO.



Dr. Frank Nguyen is a learning executive who specializes in transforming learning organizations through strategy and technology. He has led enterprise learning for Fortune companies including AIG, Amazon, American Express, Intel, MicroAge and Sears. Frank has published extensively on the intersection of eLearning, instructional design and performance support. He is a recipient of the Learning Guild Master and the ISPI Distinguished Dissertation awards. His work on compliance training, learning strategy, business transformation and technology have been recognized by Brandon Hall and Chief Learning Officer. Frank has served on a variety of learning industry committees for Adobe, ATD, BJET, Brandon Hall, eLearning Guild and ISPI.

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