How to setup PENS with dominKnow and UL LearnShare


In your first step obtain the PENS Information from LearnShare

  • Log in to your LearnShare account and navigate to the integrations tab.
  • Select For PENS from the integration options drop-down box on the integrations tab.


In the second step generate and copy the PENS Credentials

  • Click the Generate PENS Credentials button.
  • The system will generate a unique Username and Password and send the information via email to the user and the display a message to indicate the same.
  • After the PENS credential is successfully created, an email with the PENS Credentials will be sent to the user.
  • The integration tab will display the following information:


Configuring PENS in dominKnow

Now that you have the requisite information, please login to dominKnow | ONE with an admin login and follow the instructions in this overview.

We recommend you set up the PENS target calling Production site (or whatever makes sense to you) and then make that PENS target your default target.

You will need the following information in setting up the PENS target in dominKnow:

  1. The PENS Username from the previous step
  2. The PENS Password from the previous step
  3. The PENS URL.  This will be:



Next Steps

If the setup was successful, when you publish a course you will receive a message that the course has been sent to your LMS.  Otherwise, you will see an unsuccessful message.  If unsuccessful, please double check the URL and login/password fields in the configuration. These are typically the culprit.  If that is correct and it is still not working, contact dominKnow support ( and provide them the details so they can assist you further.


Once the course is in the LMS you can login to the LMS and activate the course. If the course already existed, then it will be uploaded as a new version and you can make the new version available to your selected learners. 

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