Animated GIFs are a great option for showing simple tasks

If you chose to start your Capture process with the animated GIF option, when you are finished making edits to your Capture file you can publish the file then add the completed animated GIF to a page in a dominKnow | ONE project.

To do this after editing for the animated GIF:

In the Capture Editing panel, select the Share button in the upper right corner:


Select Publish For Authoring:


If you haven't saved the Capture file yet, the Save dialog box will open:


Add a Name (required) and a Description (optional). Select Save and the Publish for Authoring panel will open:

Note: If you create a Capture software simulation and publish it then choose the Share As GIF button on the final panel (where the lesson thumbnail is displayed) , this is where the Share as GIF process will start.



You can change this setting based on the more than 50 languages available to choose from.

Step Duration
If you don't have audio narration for your steps, the Step Duration check box will be selected indicating that each Step will be given the duration shown in the time field.

NOTE: If you have narration then the timing is based on each Step's narration file although the narration won't be included in the GIF.


Additional Settings

You can choose whether the GIF will loop or not.

You can also choose if you want the GIF to include animated pan and zoom effects.

You can also set a width and height for the GIF. 

The Reset button (in the lower left corner of the panel) will revert any changes you make to the settings above.

Cancel will take you back to the Edit mode.

Next will finalize the publish process for the lesson. The lesson package will be finalized and the panel will change to show that the simulation is ready:


To add the animated GIF to a Claro page, drag the thumbnail image and drop it anywhere on the Page.

For a Flow page, drag the thumbnail image and drop it on an empty Placeholder on the page.

The file will be uploaded to the dominKnow | ONE site and added to the page. It will also be automatically stored in the Media Library as an image file.

Note: There is no unique Options tab in dominKnow | ONE for the animated GIF. Since the GIF is an image file, the standard Options, Style and FX tabs for Image elements will be available.

On the Publish For Authoring panel:

  • Share as a Simulation lets you republish the lesson as a simulation
  • Preview opens a preview of the lesson in a new web browser tab
  • Close closes this panel and returns to the Edit panel.


Tip: You'll likely need to experiment to find the right balance between resizing the GIF, using the pan and zoom and the step duration. In some cases, a fast step duration can be hard to follow, especially if the display size is a great deal smaller than the original resulting in dramatic panning and zooming. The Preview option is helpful for this fine-tuning.

To use the animated GIF outside of dominKnow | ONE, drag the thumbnail from the Publish for Authoring panel to your desktop. It will be saved there as an animated GIF.

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