NOTE: This is an advanced use of the powerful builtin assessment features of dominKnow|ONE for a very specific use case. Most users will take a much more simplistic approach to structuring their tests.
1 Project with Multiple Randomized Quizzes & Final Test Using Same Questions
This project framework is setup to do several things:
- It has 5 "Chapters" of Content and a Final Test where the Final Test determines pass/fail.
- Each chapter generates a 2 question quiz at the end of each.
- Each chapter quiz randomly uses 2 questions from a pool of 10 questions.
- The Final Test is 10 questions built from randomly using 2 questions from each chapter's pool of 10 questions.
- Quizzes are NOT scored. The Final Test is scored and is the only data determining pass/fail.
The 5 Chapters of this project are setup as modules with 1 Learning Object in each. An additional Module is added with all 5 Learning Objects from the previous modules copied into it. The first page of this FINAL TEST module uses a button to launch the test which bypasses the content page in each learning object.
Module 1
Learning Object 1
Module 2
Learning Object 2
Module 3
Learning Object 3
Module 4
Learning Object 4
Module 5
Learning Object 5
Learning Object - Final Test Instructions
Learning Object 1 (copied from above)
Learning Object 2 (copied from above)
Learning Object 3 (copied from above)
Learning Object 4 (copied from above)
Learning Object 5 (copied from above)
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